St. Michael Scapular
Pope Pius IX gave this scapular his blessing, but it was first formally approved under Pope Leo XIII. In 1878 a confraternity in honour of St. Michael the Archangel was founded in the Church of St. Eustachius at Rome, and in the following year in the Church of Sant' Angelo in Pescheria (Sancti Angeli in foro Piscium) who sanctioned the Archconfraternity of the Scapular of St. Michael. In 1880 Leo XIII raised it to the rank of an archconfraternity, which was expressly called the Archconfraternity of the Scapular of St. Michael. Indulgences were approved by the Congregation of Indulgences in 1903. Each member of the confraternity was invested with the scapular. Currently, the confraternity has been extinguished and the blessing and enrollment of the scapular has fallen in the previous reserved rites, so that now it is possible for the faithful to be enrolled in this scapular by any priest.
Each scapular is embroidered with an image of St. Michael defeating the devil on each panel.